Grade 3- Resources

Civil Rights


3. CR. 2 Assess the reliance of democracy on citizen participation. 

1. Define voting, suffrage, and franchise.

2. Explain the voting process.

3. Illustrate the expansion of voting rights in America.

4. Identify how citizens participate in democracy apart from exercising the right to vote.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965

Women’s Suffrage – Primary Source Set

Found Poetry: ‘Alice Paul’ and ‘Alice Paul Talks’ – Primary Source Set

Jim Crow and Segregation: ‘What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote’ – Primary Source Set



3.G.2 Investigate natural disasters’ effect on

the Earth.

1. Define natural disaster.

2. Identify characteristics of a natural disaster.

3. Explain how local, state, and national governments cooperate to manage
natural disasters.

4. Evaluate settlement patterns after a natural disaster.

Tornado, Lebanon, Kansas, 1902

“Tornado Galop” sheet music

Ruins after Omaha tornado

Fire insurance map showing damage by tornado, Gainesville, Georgia

Film showing ruins of Galveston Orphans’ Home after hurricane

Restaurant torn apart by Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi coast

“The Cost of the Drought”

Buried farm machinery, Oklahoma

Great Calamity – Over a Thousand Lives Lost in a Pennsylvania Flood

Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after the flood

“San Francisco Disaster” – film simulating the 1906 fire

Bird’s-eye map of Chicago after the Great Fire of 1871

“The Milwaukee Fire” – song about the Newhall House hotel fire of 1883

Fire-damaged trees in Oregon

Interview on forest fires and mountain topography

3.G.4 Interpret and recognize maps, graphs,
and other representations of the Earth.

1. Analyze patterns of population distributions.

Kid Citizen Episode: A Bird’s Eye View: Wondering with Maps

Understanding the U.S. Population Map